
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Misty Texas Morning

For people in some parts of the country, this might not seem very exciting. But for us folks down in South Texas, it is fantastic!  It's raining!  We are smack in the middle of the worst drought in Texas history.  You wouldn't know it from looking at the blue bonnets, but it is true... they are just hardy little buggers.  And smart... look at how their leaves draw all the water into their centers!  This larger droplet then has more of a chance of making it to the ground and thus to their roots!  Brains and beauty...

So remember, don't take your water tap for granted... it is a very precious resource in many areas of our country.  Sorry, sometimes the hydrologist side of me peeks out and stands on her soapbox... haha.  Enjoy whatever weather spring is sending your way!

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