
Monday, August 12, 2013


Baby bumps are so fun to capture for Mommy-to-be!  It is a very special time in a woman's life and it should be captured for her to cherish!


So, I now have a few weddings under my belt... and I have to say I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHING WEDDINGS!  So much love and happiness, and I get to capture those memories for the happy couple!  I must admit my shutter finger is pretty cramped after shooting the reception, but there is a huge smile on my face!

Babies, babies, babies!!!

The last few month's have been very exciting in our family!  We have had 2 new births in two months!  So I get to take photos of gorgeous newborns! 

Since our newest addition is only a couple days old and not yet out of the hospital, I only have one photo of him so far... but don't worry little guy you will be blinded by my flash soon and often!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Unexpected locations

I am constantly looking for cool locations to do photo sessions.  I found this awesome little nook right in my own neighborhood this weekend.  So I grabbed my friend's kiddos and took some photos for her!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bluebonnet Portraits

Yes!  Bluebonnets are at their peak!
Time for portraits in the bluebonnets, a Texas Tradition!

These two lucky twins were born during bluebonnet season and are celebrating their first birthday!

Yea for bluebonnets!

Bluebonnets provided a wonderful contrast against this cute tutu!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Showers... Texas Style

"April Showers bring May Flowers"... in Texas, April Severe Thunderstorms bring them.  And boy do they do it up big!  Had a nice storm roll through early this afternoon and happened to have my camera to get a few shots of some spectacular looking clouds.

Now many times I get to go play in this type of weather and collect water samples, but we have been so dry here of late that this stuff is just soaking in and none of it is making it to the streams... yet.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Misty Texas Morning

For people in some parts of the country, this might not seem very exciting. But for us folks down in South Texas, it is fantastic!  It's raining!  We are smack in the middle of the worst drought in Texas history.  You wouldn't know it from looking at the blue bonnets, but it is true... they are just hardy little buggers.  And smart... look at how their leaves draw all the water into their centers!  This larger droplet then has more of a chance of making it to the ground and thus to their roots!  Brains and beauty...

So remember, don't take your water tap for granted... it is a very precious resource in many areas of our country.  Sorry, sometimes the hydrologist side of me peeks out and stands on her soapbox... haha.  Enjoy whatever weather spring is sending your way!